Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Interview with author Autumn de Wilde, 2/8 11:30 AM

On February 8th at 11:30 a.m., author Autumn de Wilde will be calling into "BU in the Morning" to discuss her book, Elliott Smith, which was released recently.

Autumn de Wilde was first contacted for this interview two summers ago, but it didn't work out, because at the time most people that knew him were not willing to be interviewed. This book, which is a series of interviews with Smith's close friends, family, and associates, marks the breaking of the silence that began after his death in 2003.

Miss de Wilde became a close friend of Elliott's after taking lots of his press photos, directing one of his music videos, and designing the album art for Figure 8, which means that she is in a way also behind what has since become the Elliott Smith Memorial in LA. She is an incredibly talented photographer, who has worked with important faces of the indie rock scene, such as the likes of Beck, Devendra Banhart and Jenny Lewis. Please check out her website!

The interview will also be recorded and rebroadcasted the following Tuesday from 6-8 p.m, on "Over Yonder".

Carly Nix

1 comment:

JP said...

that is so awesome! i just got the book a few months ago, it's really great...i will be tuning in f'sure.

--jenn pelly